Entertainment of Monday, 31 July 2017

Source: zonethree6.tv

Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh, joins 'Zone Three 6' as Online Head

Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh

For a few years now, we at Zone Three 6 have been evolving; constantly advancing in our course of becoming the premiere purveyor of supreme entertainment content in Africa and beyond. We believe the growth of our new phase will be determined by the team we put together.

We wish to introduce our new head of online, Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh. Oscar’s experience in content creation is evident in his published works across major news portals in Ghana and beyond.

His expertise also covers the area of public relations and publicity as he has worked with the likes of Efya, Edem, EL, Praye, Selly Galley, Jon Germain, VVIP and many more; including the current Deputy Minister for Communications in Ghana, Nenyi George Andah, as his publicist.

The former X FM presenter thus comes with a wealth of experience.

Speaking to the laid back Oscar, who is currently in Nigeria organizing a media tour for Ghanaian rapper EL, he expressed his excitement.

“This is a move I should have made last year but I believe that the stall provided the opportunity for me to grow exponentially,” Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh said.

He added that he is confident in the Zone Three 6 team and will support the team’s effort in its quest to make innovative and uncommon moves.

“ZoneThree6 is a big deal and I don’t think we presently have any competition. The team is diverse and our fans are the most vibrant,” he said.

With Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh on the team, we hope to make online and publicity strides that will place us on an unmatched pedestal and enable us grow in leaps and bounds.