Entertainment of Thursday, 13 April 2017

Source: entertainmentgh.com

Entry opens for Golden Movie Awards Africa 2017

Golden Movie Awards Africa logo Golden Movie Awards Africa logo

Organizers of the Golden Movie Awards Africa,(GMAA) NMJ Ghana, have officially opened entry for possible nominations for the 3rd edition of the awards.

GMAA rewards excellence in filmmaking in Africa and Africans in the diaspora for their efforts in telling the African story to Africans and the rest of the world.

GMAA gives the opportunity to African filmmakers from around the world to receive praise, recognition and be awarded for their efforts at telling the African stories to both Africans and the rest of the world during the period under review.

The scheme is accepting films of all genres and lengths with any official language or subtitled in any official language. All films presented shall be watched and shortlists made based on the awards’ criteria for the consideration of the jury.

Award winning films in the various categories of the scheme will be chosen based on merit and the content of the films by a jury made up of experienced filmmakers and film industry practitioners of different nationalities. Only films made between 1st January 2016 and 31st January 2017 should be submitted for consideration in the 2017 edition of awards.

To make fair and just decisions in its choice for the various winners at the GMAA, the jury will consider relevant African stories, relevant methods of storytelling, technical excellence and other important factors of filmmaking.

Submissions should be made via the GMAA website: www.goldenmovieawards.com or delivered by courier to or by dropping copies of the film in MP4 format at the NMJ Ghana offices at Number 35 Akoofio Street, Adenta, Accra, Ghana.

For further information on submission of films for award, selection criteria, submission process and the final event to be held in Accra, kindly visit www.goldenmovieawards.com

Instituted and organized by NMJ Ghana and its partners, the GMAA brings together professionals in filmmaking in Africa once every year to celebrate, promote and reward those who have excelled in their area of the film industry.