Music of Thursday, 2 February 2012

Source: News one

Evangelist Diana Asamoah Tours Ghana Soon

Evangelist Diana Asamoah Ministry, a renowned ministry dedicated to spreading the gospel of God through evangelism and powerful song ministration, has announced its intention to organize musical concerts throughout the country to educate people against violence during the elections.

Evangelist Diana Asamoah, who has been in the evangelism and music industry for the past 22 years, has seven albums to her credit including hits ‘Ma Bow Odin’, ‘Akoko Abon’, ‘Madanse Die’, ‘Ogya’, ‘Mmo Mo Me’ and the latest one which has virtually taken over the airwaves, ‘Wo Da Mu Fua’.

The event, which is being organized in collaboration with Frimprince Music Production Limited, is dubbed ‘Prayer against Violence in Election 2012’.

Post election violence has been the bane of most African countries. Studies show post election violence as the cause of many civil unrest and sometimes war in Africa, with Ivory Coast as a recent example.

The tour, she said, would sensitize Ghanaians against post election violence and the need to seek God’s intervention through prayer, preaching and powerful song ministrations.

The programme would be packed with inspiring preaching of the gospel, intensive prayers and ever powerful song ministrations. Three dedicated and true men of God would be invited to preach the gospel.

Then carefully selected gospel singers would affirm and acknowledge the presence of the Lord through song ministrations. Come and witness the Evangelist and her friends as they sing, preach and pray for mother Ghana and seek God’s intervention in the upcoming elections.
