Entertainment of Monday, 8 February 2016

Source: starrfmonline.com

Ex broadcaster Gideon Aryeequaye involved in car crash

Gideon  Aryeequaye Gideon Aryeequaye

Famous broadcaster Gideon Aryeequaye has reportedly been involved in an accident at Gomoa Assin near Apam Junction in the Central region.

Both Gideon and his official driver, who according to reports, is in a critical condition, are currently seeking medical attention at the St. Luke Hospital at Apam, StarrFMonline.com has learnt.

The former broadcaster, who is now the director of the Ghana Tourist Development Company, was on his way to a tourism seminar being organised by the tourism ministry when an articulated truck run into his Toyota fortuner Monday morning.

Other media personnel who were also being conveyed to the programme are reportedly safe.