Entertainment of Sunday, 26 August 2018

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Exciting web portal makes wedding planning easy

Matrimony Bells allows prospective couples to plan their wedding online Matrimony Bells allows prospective couples to plan their wedding online

Getting married is a bold decision, and planning it sets the tone for a memorable lifetime event.

That is why an exciting portal has been launched to make planning the big day easy.

The portal, Matrimony Bells, according to its managers was set up to spice up the marriage ceremony and relieve would-be couples of challenges that come with planning the big day.

Matrimony Bells is an online portal by Fucah Technologies Limited and allows prospective couples to create their own dynamic, responsive and epic online presence for their engagement or wedding.

It also provides prospective couples with varieties of vendors who may be able to offer the relevant services that will make the marriage ceremony memorable.

When prospective couples sign up to the online portal – for free – they would be able to send text-blasts to invite friends and loved ones, receive best wishes through a special feature called ‘Guestbook’, load preferred gifts on website for friends and loved ones to buy for them and also receive RSVP.

Wedding service providers who wish to sign up on www.matrimonybells.com they can also do so at no cost but get access to prospective couples to transact businesses.

They get an easy and free access to clients to market their product and services on the website.

Service providers who sign up to Matrimony Bells get the following:

• Access to prospective couples to transact business with them.

• A 10% commission on any executed referral that they make to the website.

• Market their product and services on the portal.