Entertainment of Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Source: dailyguideafrica.com

FDA recalls Brother Sammy’s HIV/AIDS drug

Gospel artiste Brother Sammy Gospel artiste Brother Sammy

THE Food & Drugs Authority (FDA) has commenced an operation to recall the so-called HIV/AIDS drug manufactured by gospel musician Brother Sammy from the market.

The FDA has continually insisted that the musician’s ‘special water’, which he claims to be ‘potent’ for the cure of the deadly HIV/AIDS and other chronic diseases, has not been tested and approved by the authority.

According to the FDA, the continual presence of the ‘controversial’ medicine on sale poses a great health threat to the public.

The FDA, as a result, has started a nationwide exercise to rid the system of the unwholesome medicine to help prevent a possible health disaster in the country.

The Ashanti regional FDA boss, Nora Narkie Terlabi, who spoke on Hello FM, admonished people who have already bought some of the medicines to quickly return it to either the police or the FDA.

She also entreated those who have been selling the product to quickly refrain from doing so and rather return the products to the FDA or the nearest police station or risk being arrested as has happened to Bro. Sammy.

“The Divine Healing Water, produced by musician Brother Sammy, has not been tested by the FDA to determine if it is wholesome for human consumption so the public should take note.

Also, the FDA has not tested the drug to determine as to whether it has the potential to cure HIV/AIDS and other chronic diseases like diabetes and the rest, so the public should not consume them.

The FDA is determined to get the drugs from the market as soon as possible in the interest of the public, so the citizenry should give us the needed support in order to prevent health a disaster,” she stated.

The regional FDA boss stated emphatically that there is no proven drug that has the potential to cure HIV/AIDS and other chronic diseases in the country, Africa and the world at large, so the public should take notice and not fall for people who are claiming to have found a cure such diseases.

The FDA, with the support of the Ashanti Regional Police Command, apprehended Bro. Sammy in Kumasi on Saturday over his claim that he has manufactured a drug that cures HIV/AIDS and other chronic diseases.