Entertainment of Thursday, 3 May 2018

Source: kobbykyeinews.com

Feature: Bad stage craft of artistes and measures to solve them

Sarkodie Sarkodie

In a world where making music, sharing music and collaborating with other artistes is becoming the norm, fans are expecting much more from a musician. It’s one thing to form a solid, personalized set list but connecting with your fans through that is another feat entirely.

For many artists, stage fright is a serious ailment, whether they are performing on the intimate stage of a club or theatre, or surrounded by thousands of seats in an arena or stadium. They are tasked with remembering lyrics, chords and other cues while lights, pyrotechnics and other distractions flash around.

Sarkodie, Samini, Kwaw Kesse, Stonebwoy, VIP - - - these are few acts very good when it comes to stage crafting here in Ghana.

There's no one right way to be on stage, some artistes engage with the audience a lot, some don't at all. Some artistes share long winded stories between songs, others grunt the count and barely utter a word. Others still even make an act out of being eccentric or downright rude on stage. A lot of this depends on the style of music, the type of audience usually performed to and the overall "angle" of the band in possession with the said Artiste. However there are some "dos" and "don'ts" that are pretty well universal.

Timing, drinking and other nervous tics - - A lot of Artistes sometimes get in the habit of performing a little nervous action between songs. It becomes irritating at some point for the audience, shows up lack of confidence, and slows up the flow and betterment of the show.

Some musicians in Ghana finds it difficult to enhance on their stage craft, to better and communicate well to fans through performance. The likes of Sarkodie in Ghana, foreign and well known Acts like Beyoncé invest a lot and sees stage performance as part of their daily duty to always make it a better one. Some of our Artistes down here refuse to learn to all these to better their stage craft, they care not of how poor and bad their stage enrolment will sound as.

In this article, our main agenda is to address the issue of bad stage performance by some of our musicians and as well address its solutions, measures and how best one can set up their game for betterment of our Industry:

1. Rehearsal

Before a live performance, a musician should have practiced to the point that he/she no longer consciously think of individual notes or chords. Many artists like to practice with a “handicap” to stimulate other parts of the brain. Get your band mates to really listen to each other without relying on visual cues by playing songs in the dark. If you feel like regular practices aren’t enough to accomplish your desired skill level, try using a training tool to record your band practice.

A musician should avoid getting sucked into a black hole of snack breaks, video game breaks, phone breaks, etc. Make sure to use your time wisely and get what you deserve out of it.

After playing becomes as natural as breathing in and out, you’ll want to practice exactly how you would perform. Arrange the band the way you’d play onstage—face a wall as if it’s the audience, put some mirrors up, and arrange speakers to face your “crowd.” Play the set list you’ve created as if it’s your live show. Once you’re comfortable with this mock performance, bring in a few buddies to get their feedback. Good friends will likely be brutally honest, so keep their intentions in mind when they’re giving you criticism.

Rehearsals aren’t for playing perfectly. They’re for learning, experimenting, evolving, and preparing to share your music with your fans.

2. Relax on stage

Don’t take yourself too seriously before hitting the stage. Focus more having a good time with your audience rather than trying to impress a crowd. Some artists use relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga stretches, and breathing exercises to curb their pre-show jitters.

I also recommend using a little humor to help relieve tension. According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter increases your intake of oxygen, releases endorphins in the brain, and aids in muscle relaxation. Not only does it have physical benefits, but humor also keeps you from taking things too seriously—a relief from toxically overanalysing a situation. Listen to your favorite stand-up comedian, watch compilations of people falling, play tricks on your band members, whatever it takes to make you giggle. Laughter really is the best medicine!

3. Fake it ‘till you make it'

It can be easy to imagine the worst if you feel doubtful or stressed about an upcoming gig. DON’T. Push these thoughts aside and visualize a smooth and flawlessly executed performance. This is best done when relaxed—before you fall asleep or first thing in the morning. You’ll want to make this a daily visualization exercise starting at least one month before you’re expected to perform. Thinking of positive performance scenarios helps you get mentally prepared.

A person’s behavior, movement, and emotions are all directly correlated. When one feel confident and excited, your posture is better and you’re more alert. A good way to push oneself into this mind-set is to pose with confident body language and allow the associated feelings to follow—or fake it ’till you make it.

According to social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, “power posing” can actually affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain. Practice using this power-inducing body language during rehearsals, and before long, your self-assurance will be authentic and present in your performances.

4. Keep your focus on the crowd

Most successful artists realize that their music, especially in live performances, is not simply a way to showcase their talent. Yes, it’s a form of self-expression, but it’s also an offering to your audience, and if you seek a career in this industry, one have to connect with fans.

Start your set with an attention grabber—an energetic and recognizable song. With an upbeat, celebrated cover, you can easily encourage your audience to dance, clap, shout, and sing. Continue that momentum throughout your set. When your fans walk away feeling awed and exhausted, your show will be imprinted in their memory.

5. Stay creative

It takes an enormous amount of creativity and style to craft music short spate unique to you and your sound. Mastering the skill of song writing helps you establish your place in a industry saturated with many artists. However, fans want to see your creative efforts beyond the song lyrics. The experience is what they’re after. Imagine yourself as an indifferent listener in the audience. What would grab your attention? Use your creativity to take your performance to the next level. It’s hard to forget a performer who envelopes their audience.

Clearly, with the advancement of sharing platforms, tools, and technology, fans are beginning to expect much more from the modern day musician. The artists who stand out are the ones who create an extraordinary experience for their audience. If you can practice your instrument until it feels like an extension of you and put your full, creative energy into every engagement opportunity, you’ll turn your fans into lifers.

Ghana musician should make out of this and will help enhance their career, performance on daily basis.