Entertainment of Monday, 6 November 2017

Source: Flex Newspaper

Feature: Perfecting the coconut seller’s skill or celebrating mediocrity?

Sarkodie buying coconut by the road side Sarkodie buying coconut by the road side

“Please I want it soft.” He knocks on it and delivers soft. “Please I want it hard.” He knocks again and gives it hard. “Please I want it ‘here and there’.” He knocks, and heeds to the ‘here and there’ request.

“I wish I knew how the coconut seller is able to tell the difference, and deliver as per customer request. All the coconuts look same to me. They sound the same. Or is it witchcraft.” This has been the dilemma of a coconut patron, Dyno.

Dyno’s observation is one that I have wondered myself. I have made coconut consumption one of my daily routines, and I am almost always served right. But I have never wondered too much, the skill the seller possesses. It is called mastering.

There are other sellers I have encountered who always almost ‘misfire’, and it becomes obvious they are new to the trade. One tells me, you are able to tell the kind of coconut, sometimes not by the sound it produces when knocked on it, but by just sighting it. It ain’t witchcraft.

It is normal for most of us to adduce some form of mysticism to certain things we do not understand. And in our part of the world, such mysticism is often adduced to a deity that has supernatural prowess.

So a young business or entrepreneurial person in Ghana cannot become successful. It is unheard of, for a musician to continue to have sustained relevance in the industry. And what don’t we say of an artiste who enjoys ‘overnight’ fame, and dips within the shortest possible time?

There are a lot more scenarios we can fall on; they all tie into our belief systems. If you have the belief that hard work brings success, or that in spite of one’s talent and diligence, there is more to life’s success, then your stance defines where you stand on this issue.

Regardless, the fact that hard work pays and good planning brings results and relevance cannot be discounted. What makes OJ, Chase, BisaKdei, Akwaboah, Yaw Sarpong good songwriters? Becca, Samini, Amakye Dede, Kojo Antwi- is it something beyond them that makes them good performers? And certainly Sammy Flex’s insurgence into the broadcasting space in Ghana is certainly driven by some force, other than his capabilities, I am sure.

People are gifted. Yes. And to many, there are things they do that seem effortless to them. But you engage them, and they tell you they do not sleep on their talents; they practice constantly.

I am a lover of reading and watching the bios of successful people, and such people spend hours perfecting their acts- Sarkodie, Michael Jackson, Messi, Ronaldo, Maradona, Celine Dion, just to mention a few- never slept, and those alive are not sleeping on their talents.

When such talents succeed, it is easier for people to discount their efforts, often with the self-deceit that they ought to achieve same. This is what drives a number of talentless individuals in the industry to belong. Such persons are all over the place, scrambling for money, fame and attention.

They are found on radio; a number are on screen as presenters and actors, so also are those who appear on radio and television parading as artiste managers.

There are a number too, who are parading as event organisers, and the new found craze in the industry of awarding mediocrity! Mediocrity because an industry that dwells more on money, as yardstick to winning awards only cements the rationale of not harnessing and rewarding talents and hard work, but rather who has the means to garner votes through text.

I seem to have developed some form of ambivalence towards award schemes that seek to reward people in the arts and entertainment industry in this country. When people say, it is ‘pay and win’ my understanding isn’t giving the orgainsers money directly, but making them and their partners rich through the texting.

Where leaves the true talents; where do we place such persons whose diligence, professionalism and influence make them worthy of commendation- yes, obvious commendation because such personalities, are generally accepted as doing something right, and not just playing to the gallery because they need an award.

Is it prudent to do multiple texting just for someone to win an award?Hence, should I rant if such nominees lose out because of voting? I have hope, a time will come, we will truly accept real talents in this country and respect hard work.

In the mean time, I place Mr. Bean and Bismark the Joke on the board. Please text to short code xxxx to determine who is funnier.