Entertainment of Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Source: dailyguideafrica.com

Feminism is not a licence to hate men — Anita Erskine

Radio and TV personality, Anita Erskine Radio and TV personality, Anita Erskine

Anita Erskine has disagreed with feminists who believe they are at war with men, arguing that feminism is more about empowering women than blaming men.

According to the celebrated TV & radio personality, feminism is a positive concept which centres more on a woman and their beliefs and abilities.

It is not about casting blames on men as the cause of everything wrong with women.

“I love being a feminist…a feminist is someone who understands the basis of her beliefs, who is eager to teach another generation of women the rights and wrongs. A feminist is someone who is not afraid to share no matter what,” she said.

She was speaking on Keeping It Real With Joselyn Dumas On GHone TV on the topic ‘Are Women Our Own Enemies?’

“…I don’t like how everybody gets up and calls themselves a feminist. A feminist is not someone who hates men. It’s like the moment they hear you’re married then you’re not a feminist,” she added.

There is currently a new breed of feminists who have sprung up and are taking on society in their bid to fight for women’s empowerment.

But running parallel to this movement is a separate conversation over whether this radical brand of feminism, which oftentimes seeks to blame everything on men, is more or less productive to the overall cause of women’s empowerment.