Fashion of Friday, 7 November 2014


Find happiness now: Don't let the little things make you sad

Do you ever have those moments where you feel down in the dumps, but aren't sure why? You've got a good group of friends and love your job, but there's still a nagging feeling at the back of your head that something is wrong. One of the following reasons could be why you're not feeling as happy as you should.

Waiting for the ideal time

Many of us go about life referring back to the saying, 'When the moment's right, you'll know'. But in reality, is there really such a thing as a perfect moment? You're the one in control, so make the most of opportunities presented to you, rather than letting them pass and living with regrets. Life is too short to sit back and wait for things to fall into your lap; if going out of your way slightly means you will be happy in the long run, then go for it!

Focusing on others more than yourself

It's a great feeling when you know you're helping loved ones overcome their problems, like turning up at their front door in the early hours of the morning to help them through a difficult time. Don't forget to focus on your own life, too, rather than avoiding any of your own insecurities or troubles in favour of others'. And this means thinking for yourself and making your own decisions rather than relying on comments and advice from others all the time. Sure, there's no harm in a close friend helping you with certain things, but overall you'll feel a lot stronger and better if you go about achieving things on your own steam.

Holding grudges

The best way to ruin a happy mood is remembering how much your friend annoyed you when they did that nasty thing two months ago. Why hold onto the negative acts of the past when there's so much to look forward to? These can hold you back, so either make amends with the targeted individual or cut them loose and move on; no good will come of holding onto feelings of hate.

The same goes for worries and fears, which are often built up to be bigger than they actually are. Work towards overcoming these, even if it means seeking a professional's advice.

Seeking reassurance

Just because someone hasn't patted you on the back doesn't mean you haven't done a good job. Whether it's completing a task early at work or cooking a splendid meal for your other half; as long as you feel proud of your accomplishments, hold onto that feeling of success. And if those you surround yourself with are decent people, they will call you out on your great job. If it's a true feeling of neglect, why not try talking to the person concerned? It's good to get things out in the open.