Entertainment of Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Ghana’s prayer and fasting will cause a major shift – Nathaniel Bassey reveals

Nigerian gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey Nigerian gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey

Nigerian gospel singer, Nathaniel Bassey, has revealed that there would be a divine transformation in the world after today’s national prayer and fasting program.

In what he described as a dream, the gospel minister said he had the opportunity to worship in a Ghanaian church where every member knelt and cried their hearts out to God for mercy.

Narrating the dream further, Mr. Bassey explained that he suddenly began to feel something powerful during the worship experience which gave a clear indication that there will be a divine breakthrough in Ghana which will affect the rest of the world.

“Ghana, your National Day of Prayer and fasting today will shift things. After we had the praise event early this morning, I had this dream where I was in a Ghanaian church. There were singing and prayers going on, all of a sudden everyone knelt almost at the same time. In the dream I felt or knew it was something VERY POWERFUL. We join our faith with yours, and those of God’s people around the world, today, that as you pray and fast, things will shift for good in the spirit and in our world in Jesus’ name!” he wrote on social media.

Meanwhile, President Nana Akufo-Addo is joining Ghanaians to fast, pray and seek God’s intervention as the country and the world battles the outbreak of coronavirus that has infected hundreds of thousands of people and claimed many lives across the globe.

Ghana has so far confirmed 53 cases with 2 deaths.