Entertainment of Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Source: zylofonmediaonline.com

Ghanaians should wake up, the roads are deteriorating - Paulina Oduro

Paulina Oduro Paulina Oduro

It is quite encouraging to see how the Ghanaian celebrities are using their social media handles in promoting safe roads in the country and songstress Paulina Oduro has added her voice to this advocacy.

Speaking on Zylofon’s ‘Showbiz Agenda’ with Sammy Flex, she said that, “Personally, I have lost some close friends on the motorway. Are we waiting for people to die before the motorway is fixed? We are waiting for a politician to be involved in an accident before the roads are fixed. Maintenance is an issue and that is why our country is deteriorating. Ghanaians have to wake up”.

Paulina Oduro is a Ghanaian highlife musician, actress, talent show judge and stage performer and has songs titled, “Akwankwaa”, “Let Me Be Me”, “Killer Lover”, “Osode” to her credit.