Tabloid News of Wednesday, 28 June 2006

Source: GNA

Goat causes stare in court

Wassa-Akropong (W/R), June 28, GNA - The Wassa-Akropong Magistrate's court was the scene of wonder and excitement, when on Monday, a stolen nanny goat brought to the court as exhibit, displayed a rare and awesome behaviour to the amazement of the fairly large crowd. Kofi Boadi, 32, had pleaded guilty to stealing the pregnant goat owed by Charles Owusu, a farmer at Essikuma, near Wassa-Akropong and valued at 300,000 cedis.

The court sentenced Boadi to 18 months imprisonment and as soon as the presiding Magistrate pronounced the judgement, the goat that had been lying quietly and chewing on the cud, suddenly stood up and jumped high many time, while bleating loudly for several minutes to the utter surprise of the court.

Some of the people interpreted the animal's behaviour as an expression of joy for the punishment meted out to Boadi. Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Jonas Kwame Katapu told the court presided over by Mr Frank Komla Mensah that, Owusu the complainant had a flock of sheep and goats.

On June 18, he detected that one of the fat goats did not return home after grazing with the other animals.

An informant told him that Boadi was seen carrying the goat and going towards nearby Akonsia.

Chief Inspector Katapu said the complainant reported this to the police and after investigations; Boadi was arrested on a farm cottage with the goat.

When the goat was released to Owusu, it continued bleating even louder on the shoulders of its owner, attracting more people, who followed them home amid laughter, while they gave different interpretations to the incident.