Entertainment of Sunday, 19 March 2017

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Great relationships are not magical, they are worked at – Counselor Ogochukwu

Counselor Ogochukwu Nweke play videoCounselor Ogochukwu Nweke

Most people want to meet and settle down with the “right” person, but the majority of romantic partnerships end in dissolution.

The causes of relationship breakups may include the incompatibility of the parties involved, and their readiness and ability to work things out. Various marriages which had great potentials didn’t last for year, especially celebrity marriages.

The prevalent rate of relationship breakups in recent years is alarming and gradually becoming a thing of great concern to both counselors and the society at large.

Relationship expert, counselor Nweke spoke to the matter in an interview with Ghanaweb, he said “there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, what we have are people who have made up their mind to make the necessary sacrifice to sustain their relationship”.

According to him, one has to know oneself very well and what he looks out for in a relationship before entering into any kind of commitment, “every relationship is capable of working if the parties involved are willing to make the sacrifice to sustain it”.

Counselor Nweke added, “you know you have found your missing rib, when you are prepared to make the sacrifice to sustain your relationship”.

He maintained that love is worth the battle you fight for but only if the fight is for the right person.