Entertainment of Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Here's why Kwadee's mother prevents 'showbiz persons' from helping her son

Jerry Anaba, popularly known as Okomfuor Kwadee Jerry Anaba, popularly known as Okomfuor Kwadee

Whenever concerns about Okomfuor Kwadee's declining health surface online, one recurring issue that troubles netizens is what they perceive as neglect from his peers and certain figures in the entertainment industry.

People have criticized stakeholders and the music community for often expressing concern about Kwadee's situation but failing to take substantial action to assist him.

In light of these criticisms, some industry figures who have attempted to offer support have voiced their frustrations about encountering obstacles.

Reports indicate that Kwadee’s mother has repeatedly thwarted efforts from friends and industry stakeholders to intervene, a behavior that has left many disenchanted with the idea of extending assistance to Kwadee.

Earlier, Quick Action, Kwadee’s colleague and closest friend, acknowledged being among those who faced difficulties in providing support to Kwadee.

Others, including Abraham Ohene Djan, Ogunskele of 2Toff Fame, Hammer Nti of Pure FM, and Evangelist Lord Kenya, have also made efforts to secure medical assistance for him, but their endeavors have been unsuccessful.

However, commenting on this issue, Kwadee’s relative, Ezekiel Aguyire, revealed that Kwadee’s mother often prevents industry figures from helping her son because he tends to relapse into substance abuse after receiving assistance.

In an interview with Joy FM’s Kwame Dadzie, Ezekiel stated, “Some of the people when they are helping him and they notice that he is getting well, they take him to shows and after that, he goes back to smoking.”

Kwadee’s distinctive style of rapping and singing, coupled with his captivating storytelling ability, distinguishes him from his peers.

He is renowned for songs such as ‘Abrantie,’ ‘Ofie Nipa,’ ‘Meko M’anim,’ ‘Yeko Mmaa Pe,’ ‘Ataa Adwoa,’ ‘Boyz Boyz,’ among others.


Persistent reports have surfaced about Kwadee's struggles with mental health issues and subsequent setbacks.

Following his discharge from a rehabilitation facility in 2021, he was spotted cruising in town, in the company of a woman presumed to be his partner.

Subsequently, Kwadee made a brief appearance in the media circuit.

In a concerning update in 2022, his mother disclosed that her son had been left at a rehabilitation center, a situation initiated by Lord Kenya in 2020.