Entertainment of Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Source: mynewsgh.com

I have an insatiable appetite to continue winning more awards – KiDi

Kidi Kidi

Best Male Vocalist in the recent 3Music Awards, KiDi, has reiterated that his insatiable appetite to consistently win more awards is a sign of progress in his career.

Speaking in an interview with Amansan Krakye on Radio Central, KiDi was asked if he’s still eager and motivated to win awards despite the recent feats he has chalked.

He said “There are artistes like Beyonce, Michael Jackson and co who have a lot of awards in their cabinet."

"There are artistes abroad when you watch them on TV they have awards rooms with different awards and plaques scattered all over."

Best Male Vocalist in the recent 3Music Awards, KiDi, has reiterated his insatiable appetite to consistently win more awards as a sign of progress for his hard work.

Speaking in an interview with Amansan Krakye on Radio Central monitored by MyNewsGh.com, KiDi was asked if he’s still eager and motivated to win awards despite his recent feats has chalked.

He said “There are artistes like Beyonce, Michael Jackson and co who have a lot of awards in their cabinet.

There are artistes abroad when you watch them on TV they have awards rooms with different awards and plaques scattered all over.

"I won’t say that I have won awards in just 2 years of my music career so I don’t care about awards anymore."

"As an artiste it’s my wish that in 10 or 20 years to come, when you come to my house you’ll see all kinds of awards that I have won over the years."

"Awards are fulfilling and nice to show future generations the kind of work you’ve been doing as an artiste in the music industry”.

The 2020 edition of 3Music awards came off on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Because of the novel Coronavirus, the show was held without the usual live audience at the Fantasy Dome at Trade fair.