Entertainment of Thursday, 10 August 2023

Source: classfmonline.com

I like Nigerian movies better, Ghanaian movies have 'too much insults' - Osebo

Osebo the Zaraman Osebo the Zaraman

Osebo the Zara Man has said he prefers Nigerian movies over what is made by Ghanaians.

The fashion entrepreneur spoke to entertainment journalist Attractive Mustapha.

“I like watching movies a lot,” Osebo said.

Mustapha asked if these movies were Ghanaian.

“Not really,” he responded, indicating he prefers “Nigerians movies”.

Osebo explained his preference.

“In a lot of the Ghanaian movies, there is too much insults and verbal abuse,” he said.

“Also, I gain a lot of experience from the Nigerian movies,” he added.

The insults in Ghanaian movies makes them unhealthy to watch with children, Osebo bemoaned.

“It’s not all of them but a lot of these movies have that,” he clarified. “This is simple reason for which I don’t watch them.”

Osebo enjoys Ghanaian comic skits, however.

“The funny ones like Mr Likee [Aka Ebenezer] and the others,” he indicated, admitting that “at times there are insults.”

Notwithstanding, Osebo the Zara Man noted “because it is funny, I still watch but when the insults start, I turn it off”.