Entertainment of Friday, 5 May 2017

Source: kasapafmonline.com

I’m CEO of 10 companies – Sonnie Badu

Sonnie Badu Sonnie Badu

UK-based Ghanaian gospel musician Sonnie Badu, has shared his real life testimony giving account of what he went through when he lived in London some years ago.

The multiple award winning artiste took to his instagram page to share his joy after he received three (3) awards from the President of Borough of Brooklyn, Eric L. Adams the Dr of Divinity by CICA International University and Seminary Houston and the UN Ambassador CDSE Commander of most Distinguished Order of special Envoy.

In his message, Sonnie said he was pleased to own almost ten companies though he had worked as an employee in some companies in London.

He recounted those days, how he used to clean some universities before he could get his daily meal. He shared how the mother of a lady he wanted to marry warned him to stay away from her daughter because he was a pauper.

“I’ve worked as a cleaner in london before. I used to clean universities while my age mates were studying. I have also worked as a burger flipper in McDonald’s. I’ve worked in Tescos, boots, dixon’s, jones boot makers and being homeless before. I wore one suite to church, however it never stopped me from loving God because I understood times and seasons. At a point the mother of a young girl I wanted to marry in London told me never to step foot into their house simply because I had nothing to my name .. I think she provoked something in me.

“Today by the grace of God, I am a CEO of almost 10 companies, with an honory Doctorate, a UN ambassador with an honory key to the city of Brooklyn, an author of 15 books , 3 smashing albums under my record, happily married to a beautiful queen and God has blessed me with 2 kids .. so when I tell you don’t give up , pls hear me .. you are next in line for Gods breakthrough,” Sonnie Badu said.

Sonnie Badu began his ministry at a very young age, singing in his hometown of Ghana Accra.

At 18 years of age, Sonnie was attacked by a mysterious infection that had virtually pronounced him dead. It was in this time he made a promise to follow God if He would spare his life. His life was spared and “The Worshipper” as he is popularly known was born. On the 1 December 2007, his debut album “Lost in his glory” was released.

He has already sung alongside international gospel artists such as Juanita Bynum, Lionel Peterson, Alvin Slaughter, Noel Robinson, Muyiwa, Sammy Okposu, Mike Aremu and other gospel ministers.
