Entertainment of Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Source: mynigeria.com

'I'm still a record holder in spirit and history' - Hilda Baci after losing her GWR title

Hilda Baci Hilda Baci

Former Guinness World Record holder Hilda Baci has spoken out again since giving up her title to someone else.

Recall that on Tuesday, November 7, it was revealed that the celebrity chef's record for the most time spent cooking while standing has been surpassed.

The notification was posted on the Guinness Book of Records' social media platforms. An Irishman identified as Alan Fisher set a new record after finishing a 119-hour and 57-minute cooking marathon at his restaurant in Japan.

The famous chef revised her social media networks' bios after the disclosure.

Hilda said on Twitter that she continues to hold records for history and spirit.

However, she has chosen to pay tribute to her predecessor's achievements and spirit of competition.

She is doing this because she saw how the first record holder, Chef Lata, politely acknowledged her as the winner and made some adjustments to her bio.

Hilda continued, stating that she admires Chef Alan since she knows firsthand how difficult it is to set such a record.

She wrote: “Just as Chef Lata respectfully acknowledged the new record holder by updating her bio and later fine-tuning the wording I’ve adjusted mine too. Achieving such a record is no small feat, and I know this firsthand.

"I have only the greatest admiration for the hard work it took for Alan to reach such heights. Sportsmanship is about recognizing progress, whether the accolade is in my bio or not. I remain a record holder in spirit and history. Let’s celebrate achievement and the spirit of competition”.

While some praised her for her maturity in the comments section, others made fun of her.