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Entertainment of Saturday, 29 June 2024


‘I’ve been dating Ice Prince for 12 years now’ - Actress reveals

Moet Abebe and Nigerian singer, Ice Prince Zamani Moet Abebe and Nigerian singer, Ice Prince Zamani

A renowned Nollywood actress cum media personality, Moet Abebe has openly shared details about her long-term romantic relationship with rapper Ice Prince.

In a recent episode of the ‘Bahd and Boujee’ podcast, which she co-hosts with reality star Tolanibaj, Moet revealed that she and Ice Prince have been together for 12 years.

"Ice Prince is my man. We’ve been dating for 12 years. I’m his baby girl," she disclosed.

During the podcast, Tolanibaj inquired, "Do you plan on having children with him?"

Moet responded playfully, "Our babies will be fine, but let me not say no [laughs]."

Further probing, Tolanibaj asked, "Have you ever received a credit alert from him?"

Moet affirmed with a smile, "Why not. That’s my boo."

Moet Abebe’s candid revelations about her enduring relationship with Ice Prince have sparked interest and discussion among fans and followers alike.