Entertainment of Friday, 15 January 2021

Source: etvghana.com

I’ve never had any interest in formal education - Ogidi Brown

Ghanaian artiste manager and singer, Ogidi Brown has revealed why going to school never interested him growing up.

According to him, “I felt the teachers in the school were taking advantage of me and not giving me the grades I deserved”.

In an interview on Happy 98.9 FM’s Ayekoo After Drive Show, he said, “I knew I deserved better grades than what they were giving me. I was always doing my best and putting in my all and yet, in a class of about 38 students, I’ll always come out 33rd or 35th. I was always part of the students at the bottom”, he said.

Ogidi Brown realizing he was being cheated and taken advantage of decided to change schools. “I changed to a new school and I started doing better. I picked up immediately and that was when I realized that the previous school kept failing me on purpose”.

Regardless of showcasing his intellectual prowess in his new school, Ogidi Brown realizing he did not have any interest in education opted to discontinue his education after Junior High School.

“So I informed my mum about my decision and she insisted that no matter my excuse, she was not letting me drop out of school”.

Going into details about his education, he said, “my mum made me proceed to
Kumasi Senior High Technical School (KSTS) where I studied Visual Arts. While I was there, I never took any academic work serious. I wouldn’t even stay in class while lessons were going on but I ended up being the best visual art student in the school.

Regardless of still being a talented artist, Ogidi Brown’s major focus is on following and promoting his musical career.