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Music of Tuesday, 8 September 2015


I went to school to please my father – Rex Omar

Rex Omar Rex Omar

Legendary highlife and jazz musician, Kwame Owusu Marfo, aka Rex Omar, has disclosed that his life as a student was to satisfy his father’s ambition about him becoming a lawyer.

“I went to school to please my dad. I have no music education. In fact I haven’t been to secondary school, I’m a form four leaver because my daddy wanted me to become a lawyer which I objected to.”

“He then pushed me to be an auto mechanic for five years which I didn’t work because that wasn’t my career – my pulpit is the music.”

Rex Omar in an interview with Kojo Preko Dankwa on Kasapa Entertainment on Kasapa 102.3 FM said his dexterity in music is an in born trait and would not abandon for a different career.

“I can’t afford not to be without music because music is in me. I started writing my songs at form 2 which I didn’t know I was a composer.”

Rex plays a unique blend of Afro-pop and jazz music. His singing style portrays influences from the praise singers of Northern Ghana and Ashanti.