Entertainment of Sunday, 19 April 2020

Source: konxeptworae.com

Indestructible: What will kill Obour has not come yet

Bice Osei Kuffuor Bice Osei Kuffuor

Just like his name Obour (Which means Stone in the Akan language) suggests, Former MUSIGA President, Bice Osei Kuffuor is audaciously bold and a tough nut to crack.

The native of Juaso is far too quick-witted and admired for being smart, ambitious and goal-oriented.

From a music lover to a hitmaker, to the big one; MUSIGA President and now, Asante Akyem South parliamentary hopeful, Obour’s rise to the top has been swift and inspiring.

Yes! He’s seen it all.

But Obour has equally survived and lived through excruciating pain, endured mistreatment, name-calling and persecution.

If Obour could recover from the above and resiliently move on, then I dare say OBOUR WILL NOT DIE AGAIN… Oh yea! “Onwu biom “



Just when his career had peaked and was churning hits after hits to entertain Ghanaians, Obour was involved in a gory accident that claimed a life.

Miraculously, the entertainer survived the scare of death.

Months later, Obour recovered and through a song, titled ‘Menwu biom’ told a story of how the survived the accident which almost snatched his life.

Hallelujah! God saved Obour’s life…If Kwabena Bour didn’t die, then I dare say “Onwu Biom! Owuo atwedie3 waforo esane ‘

Mind You, Similar accident claimed the lives of Celebs including the late Suzzy Williams, Kwame Owusu-Ansah, Terry BonChaka & Ebony Reigns.


To many, Obour is the best MUSIGA President ever.

It’s also true that, he’s been the most criticized president to ever lead the umbrella group for Ghanaian musicians.

His achievements may stand out but Obour has been heavily criticized and insulted for allegedly mismanaging the 2million Cedis given to the union during the era of the late President Atta Mills.

If Obour could contain all the MUSIGA related Pressure including that of Gyedu Blay Ambulley combined and smiled through, then I dare say, What will kill Obour has not yet come.


Obour has not had it easy at all in the last few weeks.

The musician lost his father through the most painful Of circumstances at the Ridge Hospital.

Prior to his late father’s death, he was left alone to cater for the poor old man, as all staff fled and abandoned the 75-year-old due to speculations that he had Coronavirus.

For hours, Obour helplessly stood at the bedside of his father and wept as no help reached his dying father.

Alas! Nana Osei Boansi Kuffuor gave up the ghost.

Boom! The next moment, It was widely reported in the media that his father died from Coronavirus (Backed by no proof whatsoever)

At the time he was dealing with his father’s loss, sympathizing and consoling him with heartfelt messages was the least Ghanaians could have done to help Obour minimize the pain he was experiencing.

But no! Some Ghanaians rather defied common sense and rather judged, rained insults, called him names, persecuted and directed messages to psychologically traumatize him, even as he faced difficult times.

It’s rather unfortunate that almost everyone fell for the flimsy report that he endangered the lives of frontline workers at the Ridge Hospital by not telling them about the travel history of his late dad, and rather crucified him.

The family has demanded an autopsy report to prove the cause of death. They’ve still not been furnished with that.

Note that , Psychological trauma can escalate over time with devastating consequences, even death.

It destroys one’s mental health and generates negative emotions: anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, and depression.

As a people, we did not try for Obour at all, but hey, good thing is, he lived through it all and endured the pain.

If Obour didn’t die, Then i think what will kill him has not come yet.