Entertainment of Thursday, 11 September 2014

Source: Flex Newspaper

Interim Board assures, "there is hope for GHAMRO"

The interim board of the Ghana Music Right Organization (GHAMRO) has released a statement spelling out strategies it intends to use in ensuring transparency with the affairs of the organization.

The statement, read by a member of the interim board and music publisher, Enoch Agyepong, during the first press conference of GHAMRO on the 28th of August, 2014 at Oak Plaza, stated:

As part of building transparency, the board will publish its financial Statements monthly in dailies at the Office Noticeboard and also a copy sent to AG. The board will also hold Stakeholders meeting in October.

“There is going to be an Open Door Policy. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin and YouTube have been created for questions and suggestions and interactions," he added.

Under the theme, “Current State of GHAMRO And The Way Forward”, the first Press Conference was organized, according to the board, to lay bare the current state of affairs of GHAMRO, what has been done since assuming the office and the way forward.

The interim Public Relations Officer, Kwame Nsiah Apau, also talking about the current state of GHAMRO’s account, revealed that since their appointment as receiver managers, they have been able to receive an amount of twenty-five thousand Ghana Cedis and saved in a Guaranty Trust Bank account.

The conference was attended by veteran musicians like Nana Ampadu, Kojo Antwi, Ekow Micah, Randy Nono, Akosua Agyapong to mention a few. In the course of the conference, an agitation came up among some of the stakeholders.

Most of the agitation was due to the previous board’s lack of an opportunity to let people express themselves.

According to Kwame Nsiah Apau, though the agitations disturbed the cordial tempo of the press conference, any opportunity for people to vent themselves is a good thing because then at least we know what people are thinking so going forward the board will know what to do.

This is one of the issues to tackle during the stakeholders meeting in October 2014.