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Entertainment of Friday, 28 June 2024


It is not the duty of the MP to construct roads - National Theatre board chairman

Nana Fredua believes MPs are not responsible for road construction Nana Fredua believes MPs are not responsible for road construction

The board chair of the National Theatre, Nana Fredua Agyemang Ofori-Atta, has stated that it is not the duty of Members of Parliament to construct roads, contrary to what some members of the public believe.

He asserts that the role of MPs is to advocate in parliament for the improvement of poor roads in their constituencies and to be attended to by the government, but they are not responsible for the actual implementation following such advocacy.

He clarified that after an MP has lobbied, it is the government's responsibility to approve the contract and allocate funds for the road project to be addressed.

In a discussion on Adom TV, Nana Fredua stressed the importance of educating the public about the roles of MPs to prevent unreasonable expectations and pressure on them.

"The MPs have been compelled to make promises to construct roads. I am calling on the media to inform the public that building roads is not part of the MP's duties. They are to lobby for road construction, but signing contracts to execute the work is not within their purview. We must recognize this distinction.

"If an MP commits to lobbying for roads, that is appropriate. Among the MPs of both NDC and NPP, name one who has campaigned to build roads for their constituents. We need to be truthful," he expressed in Twi.

The remarks of the National Theatre board chair arise at a time when some individuals attribute the poor condition of their roads to the ineffectiveness of their MPs and exert pressure on them.

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