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Entertainment of Wednesday, 22 November 2017


It's never okay to be a fool - Amanda Jissih blasts blogger

Amanda Jissih Amanda Jissih

Mfantsiman Girls’ Senior High School old student, Amanda Jissih is not happy about how some media houses reported her exit from Hitz FM, can say.

She has unleashed her anger on a blogger who she says misreported the saga.

Mandy J early Tuesday morning refuted the publication which suggested that “insults were thrown from one person to the other and other unpalatable and demeaning were poured on themselves” and that led to her exit from the Multimedia Group-owned radio station.

Angry Amanda Jissih stated that it is cool for the blogger to be hungry for stories but “never ok to be a fool”.

The TV and radio host further communicated that “I can strongly confirm that Whoever put this together is a fuckn idiot and a lazy blogger.”.

Miss Jissih later promised never to let such lies propagated to tarnish her image bypass her anymore.

“You think I am a Christian and all that so I will consume anything and watch you misbehave? “Saa Nkwasiasem nu, 3ny3 me su wati! ” Amanda Jissih burst her anger on Instagram.