Entertainment of Saturday, 16 April 2016

Source: zionfelix.com

John Dumelo attacked in Nigeria

John Dumelo John Dumelo

Actor John Dumelo has announced that he was attacked in Nigeria Friday evening. The Promising Actor and Best Actor in a Supporting Role at the 6th and 7th Africa Movie Academy Awards respectively who is currently in Nigeria shooting a movie narrating the incident early Saturday morning on instagram disclosed that nothing bad happened to him. Below is how chronicled the incident

“Yesterday we were attacked by armed robbers on our way back to the hotel from filming in Nigeria. The robbers wearing black, blocked the car we were in, got down with their guns and walked towards our car. It was God who took over the wheel. Our driver swerved and sped off. They just stood there watching.

As if to say “these are not the people we have to rob”. Anything could have happened to us. My brothers and sisters, there is God! Believe in Him and He shall protect you. I thank God for my life and the lives of my fellow actresses in the car. #Jesustookthewheel #praiseGod”