Entertainment of Monday, 22 September 2014

Source: FaceBook Update

John Dumelo grieves, "we need good leaders"

Sometimes I wonder if Kwame Nkrumah should have fought for Ghana's independence at all.

After almost 6 decades of independence would it be right for me to ask if Ghana is independent? Government after government still rely on foreign aid.

The IMF, world bank and others are giving us conditions under which we can run our country.

Is that independence? We export our Gold, cocoa and timber which is a good thing, but these raw materials are processed, and we now import them as jewellery, chocolates and furniture.

Is that being self-reliant? Not just Ghana but Africa need industries!

We need companies; we need the skills to man these factories, we need to take care of our own business. We need good leaders; we need visionaries.

We need to be united! Happy birthday Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Your vision and ideas gave Africa hope, but that hope is not lost yet.

One day there will be a united Africa....one day. ?#?MyThoughts

Read below his post on FaceBook: