Entertainment of Friday, 3 November 2017

Source: yen.com.gh

Juliet Ibrahim preaches self love as she shares beautiful photo

Actress Juliet Ibrahim Actress Juliet Ibrahim

For many social media users, Wednesdays have became days to celebrate the women in their lives especially for their beauty, both inside and outside.

In what has been termed as WomanCrushWednesday (#WCW), many users share photos of women they think should be celevated with inspiring messages to match.

But for Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim, this Wednesday was the day she chose to have a crush on herself.

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. #wcw #wce proud of the woman I’ve become and all I have overcome. I’ll write my story… #overcomer#brewingmynextbrew Thank You, Lord. Accra oh how I’ve missed you… Let’s make it a date on Nov 4th @clubonyxgh #partyforcharity", she posted with a beautiful self.