Entertainment of Monday, 8 October 2018

Source: Edem Mensah-Tsotorme

Kojo Dadson bounces back as a musician

Kojo Dadson (m) with his band, Black Generation Kojo Dadson (m) with his band, Black Generation

Actor Kojo Dadson, who suffered from stroke, has bounced back with his live band group, Black Generation.

Kojo Dadson, known for his role in popular television series ‘Home Sweet Home’, is the lead singer of the eight -man band.

Speaking exclusively to The Spectator, Mr Dadson said he formed the band 20 years ago to play at leading hotels in the country.

He said the band later played at parties and weddings until "Home Sweet Home" TV series came his way, and he put the live band business on hold.

After recovering from the stroke, he said his physiotherapist urged him to engage himself in some form of activity to be healthy.

It was against this backdrop that he decided to bring back his live band group by linking up with some old members and adding new ones to the team.

Luckily for him, his friend, who owns Kings Place at North Kaneshie in Accra has given him the opportunity to come and play there on Fridays.

He urged the public to invite his band for shows among others, to make him active and also raise some funds. The band plays jazz and highlife.

The popular Ghanaian actor and veteran in the arts and entertainment industry suffered stroke in August 2012. Kojo started acting during the days of ‘Thursday Theatre’ and played a significant role in Village Communication’s ‘Number 5 Kotokuraba Street.’ He also played an integral part in ‘Sun City’ before Revele Films introduced ‘Home Sweet Home’ and ‘Hotel St. James’ which made him very popular.

He featured in international award-winning movie ‘Run Baby Run’ and ‘Love Brewed in African Pot.’
