Entertainment of Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Source: The Informer

Konadu Rawlings reveals secret behind her slender physique

Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings has revealed her secrets to her slender physique.

“I think I’m a sports person generally, I don’t have one sports because I swim, and I do a lot of gymnastics. I exercise every morning, I try to- if for nothing- at least skip 100 times in the morning or a little more if I can, and then do some stretches and other things for at least 20 minutes”, the mother of four told Kafui Dey in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the launch of retired boxer Azumah Nelson’s autobiography Wednesday night.

Mrs. Rawlings, whose trimness is admired by a lot of women, said exercising, to her is, “A very important thing because I’m asthmatic, and I have to be above the asthma. To be above asthma then you must be strong, you must be healthy; to be healthy, the lung must take in air and to take in air you must exercise”.

She revealed that she has always been athletic since she was a young girl.