Entertainment of Friday, 16 December 2022

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Kuukua Eshun selected to represent Africa on $1billion project to scout innovative youth

Kuukua Eshun is a fast-rising Ghanaian filmmaker, director, and writer play videoKuukua Eshun is a fast-rising Ghanaian filmmaker, director, and writer

A young but fast-rising Ghanaian filmmaker, director, and writer, Kuukua Eshun, has been selected to headline a $1 billion project that is scouting for innovative youth on the African continent between the ages of 15 and 17 years.

The project, which is a partnership with Rise, a program that finds brilliant people who need opportunities while supporting them for life as they work to serve others, was developed by a former Google boss, Eric Schmidt, and his wife, Wendy, in 2019.

Creating Schmidt Futures, the mother body of Rise, the couple have been on a journey of identifying young talents who are working to solve difficult problems in society, regardless of which country they are from.

The Rise project also focuses on areas of science, innovation, technology, art, policy, community organizing, or any other interests in innovation.

Speaking to GhanaWeb about this honour, Kuukua Eshun said that she is excited because this aligns with her life aspirations to inspire generations through her work.

“I don’t just want to be successful. I want to use the gifts and talents God has given me to impact millions of people in my lifetime.

“Everything I have, everything I am, is because of those who will come after me. I am a vessel of love and light. I am so grateful for the woman I am becoming.

“True joy is being able to touch someone else’s life. I am grateful to be part of a project that is impacting so many lives across the world. Ghana, Africa, world… this is for you! This is a life-changing opportunity,” she said.

As of April 2022, Bloomberg Billionaires Index ranked the Schmidts as the 54th richest people in the world.

Rise, which operates as an initiative of Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, is looking for young people between the ages of 15 and 17 years, working to solve difficult problems in society.

