Entertainment of Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Source: Frank Edem Adofoli

LIFESTYLE: The problem is not religion but parenting

Counselor Frank Adofoli Counselor Frank Adofoli

The church is not the cause of our troubles, religion is not the cause of the disorder happening, it is not the sole solution either. The church is just a helping agent, we would have been worse off without the church. It is rather unfortunate when people try to hang or push blames on religion and the church especially for the mess going on in the society.

Anyone who picks on the church or tags the church as the cause of the trouble in the society simply means the person doesn't understand what he or she is talking about.

Every trouble, issue or mess has a root and the root of what is happening in this country is the home, bad or no parenting.

We are busily making money and not people, we give birth any how, make no time for our kids, we don't sow the values, morals, principles, standards in them but we want them to exhibit that when they grow up. We are just a bundle of jokers.

What we are getting today is as a result of what we fed our children. We teach children how to lie, we corrupt them. They were innocent, God gave them to us to sow in them what we want to reap.

Sadly we sow into our businesses, jobs, etc make time for those entities, make them our priorities and leave the children behind and still want them to reap what we didn't sow.

Who does that? You sow at location A and want to reap from location B. It's not the system which has failed us, we created a failed system.

Stop blaming the church. If the parents raise their children well, the church or institution can't corrupt them. The church is helping, doing what lots of parents refuse to do.

The trouble with the church is, the harm has been created already and those who did that refuse to admit but rather blame them.

What is wrong with the church teaching about prosperity? If parents had done their job, adding to it is not a sin. Many of the trouble we face here as Africans we claim it's due to poverty. So what is wrong with the church helping to solve that.

There is nothing wrong with an overseer or church being rich or building big churches etc. The members are just feeding what fed them. And that is a natural law.

You bless what blesses you, you help what helps you. You pour into what is pouring into you. If you grow a plant and it does not yield anything, you won't continue keeping such a plant.

If you own a media station and no one is listening or watching you, you close it down. If you are giving your all to something that gives back nothing, you stop giving.

Our political problem is not NDC or NPP. It is the people we raised. If we raise them well, they will do well. Unfortunately, both parties are almost raised same so no matter how we change them through the ballot box, the outcome is the same.

Lets go back to the root cause of these problems and solve it from there. Parents should admit they did a poor job and stop blaming schools and churches for their lapses.

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