Movies of Monday, 14 March 2016


Ladies admire the characters I play - Majid Michel

Majid Michel Majid Michel

Many call him the ladies’ man because of how ladies admire and talk about him affectionately but the man himself as disclosed that truth be told, ladies don’t admire him.

He explained that they admire the characters he play in the movies but not him as a person. This and more and he revealed on Peace Fm.

When asked about his relationship with ladies, he said, “Ladies don’t admire me, they admire the characters I play. If you think it’s you they want, then you are making a mistake.”

He continued, “No producer calls me for movie role because of Majid, they call me because of my gift as an actor, so it’s not really your personality they like, and until you understand this, you will be fooled, and then get trapped”. He disclosed.

On whether he has ever had se*x with any actress in the movie industry or more or less, engaged in extra-marital affairs, he replied with a big NO, and added that he don’t engage himself in those stuffs because he respects the vow he made to his wife.

Majid and his wife has been married for over 11 years now.
