Entertainment of Friday, 25 December 2020

Source: 3news.com

Let a lawyer read contract documents before you sign – Reggie N Bollie tell Mentor finalists

UK-based Ghanaian artist, Reggie of ‘Reggie N Bollie’ fame has advised finalists of TV3’s 2020 edition of the mentor reality show that they should let a legal practitioner go through contacts they intend to sign in future before they append their signatures to those agreements.

Reggie explained on the entrainment segment on TV3’s New Day programme hosted by Mzz Gee which featured the Mentor finalists on Friday December 25, that it is always necessary to have a lawyer explain the nature and content of the contracts to them, because they may not have full grips of what the terms and conditions mean to them in law.

Some of these terms and conditions he said, may ‘cripple’ the artists when they agree to them.

“Employ the services of professional songwriters. Put everything or contract on paper.

“Never sign any contract without a lawyer going through first. The lawyer may charge but it is worth it,” Reggie said.

Bollie who is domiciled in the UK on his part asked the finalists not to rush into signing contracts.

“Never be in a rush to sign the contract,” he said.

The final of the mentor show takes place on Sunday December 27.