Entertainment of Thursday, 23 November 2017

Source: yen.com.gh

Lifestyle: 7 things you probably failed to do in 2017

Beginning the year with resolutions is common with most people Beginning the year with resolutions is common with most people

Almost everyone in this world begins January 1, with certain goals that he or she wants to achieve within the year.

However, due to a combination of factors – both personal and external – we seem to just miss out on some of these targets and goals that we set for ourselves.

Most often we seem to think that we still have all the time in this world to get on with things, but with November already here, it will be difficult to get some things done before December ushers us into the New Year.

Goals are set to be achieved, but while some are attained within the year, others are completely missed and it is common with almost everyone.

Here are seven things you most probably failed to do in 2017.

1. You couldn’t draw near God the way you wanted

Many people would probably have entered into 2017 with a new year resolution to draw closer to God. However, with the year almost ended, you may be wondering if that was really the case or otherwise.

2. You still couldn’t start that business you planned of

Great business idea, great execution plan but you just let it slide once again in 2017. You might have planned to start this business you have so much longed for, yet due to whatever reason that business is still but a mere dream as the year comes to an end.

3. You couldn’t improve your saving habit

You probably entered 2017 thinking this must be the year where I saved a lot of money. But has that really been the case? Well, your saving habit might have improved a bit but you certainly could not save as much as you hoped for.

4. You still refused to go for that dream job interview

You have always spoken highly about this dream job interview but the fact is that procrastination has always gotten the better of you and 2017 was no different.

5. You couldn’t spend much time with family

With just over a month to the end of 2017, your family goals most probably still lie unattained. You still leave home very early and return late, making available very little time for your family.

6. You couldn’t just quit that drinking or smoking habit

Smoking or drinking? If you are into either of these habits and resolved to stopping it in 2017, then cool. But what has been the result? It obvious!

7. You couldn’t lose weight like you planned

You probably planned to make the gym your abode come 2017. But as they year reaches an end, you weight has not changed. You probably gained more weight that you could ever have imagined.