Sarah who least expected to drive home the brand new Renault Logan stated that the forty day stay in the car with her competitors was really challenging.
She revealed that some of the game plan devised to get her out of the competition got to her but perseverance sailed he through.
She also expressed joy gratitude for the love shown to her during the competition. The model added that though many thought she was emotional and won’t be able to make it to the end of the competition, that didn’t discourage her but that rather took it as a challenge to prove them wrong.
When asked what she will use the care for she explained that as a model the car will aid her transportation to work, save her from tax stress and running late for gigs.
She also ceased the opportunity to thank the organizers Global media Alliance for the initiative.
The event which commenced on 8th March caught the attention of many Ghanaians who follow it keenly on e.TV Ghana, YFM, Happy FM and on social media.
The maiden edition had support from Premium Motors, MTN Pulse, Mentos and New York Sizzler.