Entertainment of Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Many rich people in Ghana don't know how to give - Michael Blackson

American-Ghanaian comedian, Michael Blackson American-Ghanaian comedian, Michael Blackson

American-based Ghanaian comedian Michael Blackson has highlighted what he sees as a major factor responsible for the country's problems: selfishness.

In an interview with Kwaku Sintim-Misa (KSM), Michael Blackson expressed his view: "We've been known to be selfish, and that's why sometimes we go through the struggles that we go through because we don't know how to give… A lot of rich people here just care about themselves."

He cited the tax culture of the United States, where high earners contribute a significant portion of their income to taxes. Blackson noted that in Ghana, the affluent are not taxed heavily.

"These guys have a break here. In America, if you make a million dollars a year, you're going to be giving 200,000 of that to the IRS. Here, we don't; you guys are not paying taxes. You are saving a lot of money," he said.

According to him, this is an opportunity for the rich to consider their social responsibilities and to give back to their communities.

"What are you doing for your people? Open your eyes. Find a way to give back, one way or another," he urged.

His comments came amid discussions about his 'Michael Blackson Academy,' which offers free education to young children in the Central Region.

According to him, the gesture was an opportunity to influence more wealthy people to give to the country's less privileged.

"I'm hoping I can open their eyes and hopefully change people's hearts and make everybody a better person," he said.


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