Entertainment of Thursday, 8 December 2022

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Michael Blankson rants about paying $10,000 to clear three boxes of clothes he shipped

Michael Blackson laments high customs rate Michael Blackson laments high customs rate

Ghanaian comedian Michael Blackson has lamented the high rate of customs duties in Ghana.

In a tweet, he revealed that he had shipped things from the United States of America to Ghana in order to help his cousins who don't have jobs.

Michael claims that the clothes he bought were worth $10,000, but customs asked him to pay another $10,000 for clearance fees or the items would be auctioned off.

“I have cousins in Ghana with no jobs and no income. Because the country lacked jobs, they wanted to open a store if I could help.

“I purchased about $10k of items and when they arrived thru DHL, customs said they will need to pay $10k to retrieve them. IT MAKES NO SENSE @GhanaRevenue,” he fumed.

While lamenting his ordeal, he advised people abroad to be prepared to spend so much on shipping to Ghana.

“If you are planning on shipping anything to Ghana, be prepared to pay a duty fee as high as the thing you shipped and if you don’t pick them up in a timely fashion they will auction your belongings. Why @GhanaRevenue?

Under the Hollywood star's post, a user said, “I’m sure is the kind of items you are bringing to the country. You could have bought it here to promote local business instead of shipping $10k worth of items here. Pay $10k to retrieve so we can use it to support local businesses.”

Another added, “100% tax is extremely high. No matter how we try to justify the tax, it will only encourage more tax evasion and avoidance.”

“Well that is how they do in Ghana and is all nonsense because one will receive an old phone from the US and they will still charge almost the amount at the post office here,” a third added.

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