Rumor Mill of Monday, 11 August 2003

Source: Kobby Akyeampong on SIL

NPP MP Breaks With Party (5)

This bit of news coming in from Accra will eventually shake this govt to its foundations. A leading lawyer and a member of Ghana' parliament has decided to break ranks with the NPP govt on the murder of the 34 women before the 2000 elections.

This lawyer whose name I am withholding for good reason is preparing to welcome a task force from Amnesty International at this own expense to look into the murder of the 34 women. Amnesty International' role in this initial visit will be to establish whether the investigations are on going as the NPP govt has constantly declared. If the investigations are found to have been abandoned, Amnesty International will make recommendations for the investigations to be reopened.

During a phone chat, this man did not hide his disdain for the manner in which the govt is handling the allegations from the former president that some members of the present govt were the brains behind the murder.

In his view, if this govt that detest JJR so much can not take him on his allegations to date, then there must be something that the govt is hiding from Ghanaians. He thinks this is a unique opportunity for the NPP govt to silence Rawlings once and for all but wonder why the govt has not done so but rather sends ineffective spokesmen to try and divert the public's attention from this issue.

This lawyer feels the govt must take JJR on his word by making available the polygragh test equipment to test Rawlings and then those that Rawlings will name.

The MP believes that an international supervisory body be assembled to administer this polygragh live on Ghana TV and the result made known in a 24 hour period. The results so released he believes will settle this whole quagmire that has engulfed the govt for which it is desperately attempting to avoid.

Folks, I believe there are interesting days ahead if this NPP MP does what he says he will do.