Entertainment of Monday, 16 July 2018

Source: ghpage.com

'No woman can snatch my boyfriend' – Efia Odo

Efia Odo with her lover Revloe Efia Odo with her lover Revloe

Since she revealed the man who owns her heart on social media, television personality, Efia Odo has received support and bashing in equal measure from her fans on social media.

Advice has also been generously dished out to her with many cautioning her to keep her new adventure out of public sight because someone might snatch Mr Right from her unexpected.

But in an interview with Showbiz, Efia Odo who sounded confident throughout voiced that no woman can take her man away perhaps they’ve sealed their love with superglue. “I am not bothered at all, they should come for him.

“We have a God factor, how can someone take what God has given me? Such people should get a life and stop poking their noses into my affairs. He is a responsible guy and lives a low key life so where are they going to find him?” she questioned.

Contrary to the opinion by Deloris Frimpong Manso a.k.a Delay that social media users have what it take to cause a decline of Efia’s relationship. This is how she responded when Efia Odo was probed by graphic showbiz.

“Social media does not break relationships, it is God who sustains relationships and we have the God factor so there is nothing to be afraid of”.

Besides, Efia is optimistic that her relationship with Revloe (boyfriend’s name) will definitely end at the altar.

“Everyone enters into a relationship with the mindset of settling down so yes, if it happens, we will take it from there and make the most of it”, she said.