Entertainment of Sunday, 11 September 2005

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Obour launches road safety campaign

Obuor, who was voted hip life artiste of the year 2005, will produce a series of TV commercials through music and drama, which will be aired on the various television networks.

This is the second phase of his campaign to reduce the spate of road accidents.

?Me wu biom? is a track released by Obour after his close shave with death late last year in a motor accident.

This second phase of the campaign coincides with the recent tragic motor accidents, which have claimed the lives of several important personalities including three veteran medical professionals and the latest being young actress, Suzzie Williams.

Touching on several topics in crisp 5-minute video productions, the music star will seek to educate motorists on the use of seat belts, over speeding, drink driving and proper maintenance of vehicles, among others.

He is optimistic that the campaign will go a long way to help reduce the increase in road accidents.

?Considering the numerous accidents on our roads these days, I though I needed to step up my campaign, I needed to put up something that will be fresh on people?s minds, that will make people to be cautious about how to touch into safety regulations on our roads and that?s why I am launching this aspect of the national road safety campaign.

It just coincided with the rate at which accidents are occurring on our roads these days. I mean thinking of what happened to Suzzie Williams makes me want to come out with this campaign more quickly,? he said. The Motor Traffic and Transport Unit-MTTU and the National Road Safety Commission support Obour?s initiative.

But the challenge will be whether the messages will influence driver behaviour and possibly effect the right change.