Entertainment of Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Source: zionfelix.net

Ofori Amponsah gets new look

Ofori Amponsah Ofori Amponsah

Highlife musician Ofori Amponsah who recently gained the nicky Pastor Alewa has been off the music scene for a while.

After he bounced back telling Ghanaians that he wants to return to highlife genre and later released ‘Alewa’, no song has been heard from him again.

Zionfelix.net recently reported about some issues from his camp, which made his PRO quit the job.

Ofori Amponsah is preparing to release a new song, which features Paa Kwasi. The artwork for the song that is available to Zionfelix.net shows a new Ofori Amponsah.

He’s now left his beard to grow beyond even the level of American rapper Rick Ross…lol. This is a new Ofori Amponsah. He is now ready to face Ghanaians for the secular music but wait, what happens to his pastoral work?

Check him out