Entertainment of Friday, 18 March 2016

Source: ytainment.com

Shatta Wale…silence is golden! – Bosheba d’ Shyne’s writes an ‘open letter’

Bosheba d Bosheba d

Dear Shatta Wale,

In case you don’t know, you are a blessed young man. Without the intention of putting the readers, you or your fans off, permit me to repeat that you are a blessed personality.

You have virtually everything a musician can wish for. Good health, enormous resources especially your talent, wide expanse of followers – which has set you as one of the most loved act in a very long while.

You are bold and daring. You are free and you dream a lot of the beautiful things that should (have) happen in this industry of ours. Though we have suffered a lot because of poor musical leadership – yet you dream of beautiful things for the industry.

Shatta Wale, your rebirth from Bandana was for a reason and that I appreciate so much. Your second coming has seen the industry swell with exchange of counter views, banters, back slaps and even pseudo jabs on matters germane to the larger interest of our music industry. To be candid, your ‘stand up’ has shown the younger generation that no issue is too small or too big for anyone to touch on.

Within your comeback now, we have seen how much you have learnt during your time off. Again you have shown that no issue is too small or too big for you.

In regards to that, let me touch on the case that had you address a bitter pill regarding to the names calling of the chief of Charterhouse; you went somehow out of hand, you exhibited an attitude that I somehow hope you will not wish for your enemy to exhibit – because of the consequences that you are suffering from now.

Left to me, I will have said that instead of raining abusive words on anyone, you would have used a more sardonic humor in addressing your point – without calling anyone’s name. You would have used wits to coat the bitter pills of truth you unleashed. But as it stands, we just have to allow by-gone be by-gone.

Logically, I understand that your apology came with an intention to ease the case in court and I must say kudos to your legal team for the ‘wise’ words.

Secondly, I must say that you should have found time to adhere to the entire necessary apology’ that was needed to usher you into sweeping home all the laurels; but yet again, you ‘goofed’ by not hurrying up with the ‘VGMAs Board’s process’!

In the wake of all this, you made the inevitable happen by hurrying into the studio to cook a song, telling the world how ‘Shatta Wale’ you were, you are and may still be (if care is not taken).

My word to you is simple – SILENCE IS GOLDEN! In all that happened, I was expecting you not to have uttered a word – living all skeptics to ponder, wonder and search for you. I was expecting that you will not mind anyone in the wake of you not being nominated even though you had summited your forms. I was expecting that you will just take a back seat, keep churning bangers after bangers and then watch how Ghanaians would call for you because obviously their idol hasn’t spoken.

Shatta Wale, remember that life in the music industry is a 'helluva' struggle! Remember that the undertakers, the media will not stop talking about you, because even in death, you will be held in awe. Whether we, they, you like it or not, you will someday leave this world – but with a legacy behind; so take away all forms of bitterness from your heart, tell your fans to take away all forms of bitterness from their hearts. Tell your fans that SILENCE IS GOLDEN!

Maturity states that instead of invoking the Mosaic law of an eye for an eye but the spirit of forgiveness after all that has happened, wholeheartedly get you gadgets and apologize in ‘four-folds’ as you did rain ‘abuses’. I tell you that your laudable effort will not go unnoticed even by your teasers. Remember that as a leader, you must forgive (and be forgiven).

Trust me that when you fulfill all righteousness, keep doing quality songs, remain silent for a while allowing your works do the talking – indeed you would have done all your part and left the stage but Ghanaians would refuse to stop clapping at your ‘SILENCE IS GOLDEN’ attitude…and trust me that the standing ovation at your ‘new you’ will continue till eternity – because you deserve it!

With love, BOSHEBA d’SHYNE.
