Entertainment of Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Source: ghgossip.com

Sleeping with a man in exchange for money or favours is not a crime – Vicky Zugah

Vicky Zugah Vicky Zugah

Ghanaian actress cum entrepreneur Vicky Zugah has said that any lady who sleeps with a man in exchange for money or favours is not a crime.

Speaking on Joy Prime, Vicky Zugah disclosed that any lady that have an affair with a married man usually does that because of money or other favours.

She indicated that, she doesn’t see anything wrong with ladies sleeping with men for money and favours, especially when they have no other options.

“Sometimes ladies date married men for the money and nothing else. Those who don’t like hustling but want to live luxurious lives are the ones who find themselves in this fix. As long as you don’t get caught, I don’t see anything wrong with it. After all, it’s all part of hustling” she explained.