Entertainment of Thursday, 13 June 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Society didn't protect Kwame Despite during the 2018 blood donation allegations - Deputy health minister

CEO of Despite Media Group, Dr. Osei Kwame Despite CEO of Despite Media Group, Dr. Osei Kwame Despite

The Deputy Minister of Health, Alexander Akwasi Acquah, has rebuked those who criticized Dr. Osei Kwame Despite, CEO of Despite Media Group, over a past blood donation initiative.

He praised Kwame Despite's efforts to organize the blood donation exercise, which aimed to assist patients in urgent need of blood at hospitals.

He condemned the accusations made against the CEO, suggesting that the blood donation was for monetary rituals, as inappropriate.

In a press briefing, Akwasi Acquah described the derogatory remarks as "nonsense," which he believes are intended to belittle the business tycoon's hard work.

“Government will not have the resources to do it all. But this is a kind of service that would attract people, like people who have made money, and they want to contribute to society. If somebody goes out there so berserk and say ‘he [Kwame Despite] is collecting the blood for money,’ and we all keep quiet and watch these people survive on some of these, excuse my French, ‘nonsense’, which will make well-meaning Ghanaians back off,” he stated.

The minister pointed out that severe public criticism has deterred notable individuals from hosting blood donation exercises.

He urged the public to abandon this negative mindset.

"Kwame Despite and his family would receive blood if needed. But consider the services they provided. They utilized their media outlets, and it was free of charge. We should confront and dispel these myths," he added.

It will be recalled that in 2018, Kwame Despite's media organizations arranged a blood donation event for the community.

However, some warned the public to ignore the event, claiming the collected blood would be used for rituals.

Nonetheless, the deputy health minister has strongly condemned such individuals for their harmful and baseless comments.

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