Entertainment of Thursday, 9 November 2017

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Stop being selfish and support your wives - Opanin Kwadwo Kyere to husbands

Opanin Kwadwo Kyere, Renowned marriage counselor play videoOpanin Kwadwo Kyere, Renowned marriage counselor

Renowned marriage counselor, Opanin Kwadwo Kyere has advised husbands to support their wives in any endeavor they decide to embark on.

Speaking at a Marriage Seminar organized by the Ringway Centre Assemblies of God, he encouraged men to make the necessary capital available to making their wives dreams a possibility.

“Your wife may not be the academic type, they may be that lady who is the business kind. It is required of you to advance a capital or maybe raise a loan, 10,000 so she would boost her business. Some women do not know how to do business, she is not the business type, Yes! You try to establish her in business,” he said.

He added that men who give money to their mistresses instead of their wives do not understand the Bible and that it was imperative for every husband to take care of their wives.

“What hurts me is, if he does not understand the bible he will give it to his girlfriend and not his wife. Take care of your wife, take care of the woman.

He also dwelt on the fact that some husbands feel intimidated when their wives are brilliant and want to further their education giving excuses such as, she is pretty and so the lectures will go after her or that she will be chased by several men.

“She is brilliant and she wants to go to the university, you only made it up to SHS. Your wife wants to go to the university, I am appealing to this young man, listen to me, help her! Support her!” he pleaded.

He said there was no need trying to cage a woman as he believes women are so smart to the extent of hurting you if they want to; adding that it is essential to give your wife the freedom to be herself.

“If your wife wants to hurt you, put her in a cage, lock it up, put the key in your pocket and go to work, she has a way to come out. Women are very smart. If a woman wants to hurt you she would. No venture on planet earth is risk-free, so give her some room of latitude and support her,” he added.