Entertainment of Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Source: ghananewsagency.org

Stratcomm Africa holds gospel jam

Gospel Music lovers thronged the Stratcomm Praise Jam to give praise to God for His protection throughout the year.

Organised by the Stratcomm-Africa, the “Stratcomm Praise Jam 2018,” brought together seasoned Gospel artists such as Joe Mettle, Opiesie Esther, Winneba Youth choir and others.

This year’s event was the 12th edition and was under the theme “Bless the Lord, His grace is sufficient”.

Mr Kofi Baah Boakye, Business Development Manager of Stratcomm said the occasion was an opportunity to join hands to offer thanks to God Almighty for keeping watch over Ghana and especially, the Stratcomm African team in the course of 2018.

Stratcomm Africa is a communications and reputation management agency that uses communication to enhance organizational performance.

“We will never cease praising the Most High God for His goodness, grace, favour and mercies,” he noted.

Mr Boakye said “It was also time to take stock of our lives and realise that “had it not been the Lord God, where would we have been” and thanked their sponsors for their unflinching support, saying, their kindness would not go unrewarded.

The Resident Choir of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Kokomlemle, and Accra, where the event was held led the congregation with powerful rendition of praise and worship followed by Winneba Youth Choir who charged the auditorium with some selected contemporised spirit-filled hymns.
Among whom were “Praise my soul the King of Heaven,” “Now thank thee all our God,” “Blessed assurance” and the trending “Borborli borbor,”

The auditorium became charged when the energetic Opiesie Esther took to stage with “Empare me,” “Zeba beko,” “Mennti asie” and others.

It was electrifying when Joe Mettle took the microphone and first did “All hail the power of Jesus name” hymn with Madam Esther Cobbah, CEO of Stratcomm and her team.

Present at the event were celebrities, politicians and others including Mrs Linda Ampofo, a judge of the Ghana’s Most Beautiful fame and Mr Tsatu Tsikata.

Eight-year-old Kwaku Nyametie thrilled the worshippers with his mastery of the organ and played contemporary music and hymns.