Entertainment of Friday, 7 December 2007

Source: GNA

Stratcomm holds Praise Jam 2007

Accra, 09 Dec. 07 GNA-The Strategic Communication Africa (Stratcomm) on Saturday held its 2nd Annual Praise Jam under the theme; "Our help is in the name of the Lord" in Accra.

Moses Cofie, Corporate Affairs Manager of Stratcomm stated that the purpose of the gathering was to praise God for how far He has brought the company.

"This day has been set aside by Staratcomm to tell God that we thank for seeing us through the years 2007," he noted. He said the company, in operations has been able build upon its many challenges and have turned it into fortunes.

Esther Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of Staratcomm said, with help of God the company has been growing from strength to strength since its establishment in 1994 hoping that, it would be the leading communication institution in Africa.

The event was full of song ministration from various gospel groups from Africa such as Daughters of Glorious Jesus, Kings Jubilee, Soul Winners, Tema Youth Choir, Agya Koo Nimo and others.

Bible quotations were read out by some of the companies' client which included Mawuena Dumor Corporate Services Executive MTN Ghana, Moses Anibaba Director British Council and Dr. Chris Anderson External Affair Director, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited.