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Entertainment of Sunday, 10 July 2016


TV3’s Natalie Fort reveals her ideal kind of man

Natalie Fort Natalie Fort

A product of the Ghana International School (GIS), Merton International, the Royal Academy of Music and the Accra Film School, where she studied television presentation and script writing, Natalie Fort (NF) is fast becoming one of Ghana’s most notable presenters on television. She gets up close and personal with online journalist Nana Afrane Asante (NAA) and this is what ensued between them.

NAA: What motivates you?

NF: I come from a pretty God-fearing and spiritual family, so I would say what motivates me? Number One is God, and in addition to that my family motivates me. I also seek to be the best that I can be and successful in whatever I choose to do, and helping others along the way does motivate me.

NAA: What are your hobbies?

NF: I read a lot of self-help motivational books from influential people like Pastor Mensa Otabil and I also read a lot of biographies. I love to swim too.

NAA: What do you do to relax?

NF: I am very selective with my friends, so I have few people who I consider very close. I would call or text someone who is very close to talk to or go out and have lunch or dinner. Basically I relax with people who mean a lot to me.

NAA: Favourite music?

NF: I like jazz and classical music.

NAA: Who are your favourite musicians?

NF: Andrea Bocelli and Beyonce

NAA: First kiss?

NF: I was about 18 when I had my first kiss

NAA: First job?

NF: I don’t know whether to call it a job but then for me my first job was modelling because I started modelling at the age of 13 when I was at school and all. I trained with EXOPA Modelling Agency and did fashion and runway modelling most of the time and I got paid for it so I had to learn to manage my money.

My mum worked as my manager so I would say that was my first job experience. The main person who inspired me to get into modelling isn’t really known but she was a senior of mine at school who modelled and I liked her sense of confidence because I as an individual back then at school I was very shy when growing up so that confidence she had, motivated me.

I have plans of moving from runway and fashion modelling like I did when I was younger to pageantry because I think that comes with a lot more. I participated in a pageant competition – Miss Princess World, which was staged in Prague, Czech Republic when I was sixteen and that changed me a lot as I was anti-pageant before that competition. I represented Ghana at that competition and made it into the Top Nine competing with 45 girls. I would definitely like to open a modelling and etiquette school in the future.

NAA: Favourite fashion item?

NF: I love a really nice jewelry like diamonds and I also love a good perfume.

NAA: Favourite chocolate or fruit?

NF: I like Ghanaian chocolate (Kingsbite) and favourite fruit is grapes.

NAA: Favourite radio and TV station?

NF: Aside me being here at TV3, I genuinely think that TV3 is quite a strong television station especially when it comes to news and I also do enjoy watching CNN a lot because I think their shows are catchy. With radio, I like listening to the BBC and I work with and listen to 3FM.

NAA: Favourite sport?

NF: Soccer and I would say I’m so very much influenced because my dad and brother watch it all the time but I like looking at golf even though I don’t understand it.

NAA: Favourite family member?

NF: I have a small family and we are just five, mum, dad and three kids. I’m very close with all my family members but I would say my mum has really been supportive of me and she’s been a friend and advisor

NAA: Favorite team?

NF: Manchester United

NAA: Favourite player?

NF: Cristiano Ronaldo and the reason why I say Ronaldo is because he is very confident.

NAA: Favourite food?

NF: I love ‘Red Red’

NAA: Favourite place of holiday?

NF: Royal Senchi

NAA: First thing you do when you wake up?

NF: I say a word of prayer by thanking God and plan my day after that.

NAA: Last thing you do before you go to bed?

NF: I take my To Do book seriously so I go through it and then listen to some music before I go to sleep and read my Bible genuinely.

NAA: Who’s your ideal kind of man?

NF: The person should be Christian and not just Christian but have a true relationship with God and must take their spiritual life seriously and in addition to that he must be motivated.

I really hate men who are not motivated and what I mean by not motivated is that they are not ambitious and are very comfortable where they are and I have seen men like that before. I like someone who is ambitious and wants to achieve something great.

The person should also have a good sense of humor and should have fine taste because I would like to have my ideal man have a similar taste to mine and that is very important. He must be motivated, have strong values and desire to really make an impact on society.